Got the Summer Time Blues? Matt Needs Some Help with some independent theatre projects
M.Cummings said...
I am designing 2 shows showing in minneapolis this summer. Any help would be apprieciated. One Is Called "Born in Iraq" showing at the Mixed Blood theatre July 5th-15th. (Reports are out that B.B.C, N.P.R., C.B.S, and A.B.C. (British Broadcasting Company) are all Doing a piece on the show. Its very high profile. Its a heart wrenching tale about a young mans life,the son of an iraqie uprise leader, escapeing an attack on his village by saddam. then returning after the recent invasion by american forces. THis is the premire being performed by profesionl actors on awell known stage, and everyone is doing it for free. YOU CAN GET INVOVLED TOO!
The second show wich is shown mid july is a one act at Minneapolis Community and Technincal College. A comedy by Christopher Durang Called "Nina in the morning" about an aging Herres and her niglected children. (No money for me here either) I have already Begun Construction on the Durang peice and the Mixed blood piece should start by the end of the month.I have begun a blog with all my design notes you can contact me there or in person if you wish to help. Every one will get credited for their help.
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