It was a sell-out crowd at the Chalberg theatre on Friday night for the rock opera
Jesus Christ Superstar. Director Patrick Spradlin graciously offered free tickets to the BHS drama club, and 26 of us attended, including my two kids.
It was an interesting production. They chose to present the show as a concert rather than a musical, but still managed to incorporate set, light, sound and costume design. Matt was a bit nostalgic, since the CLC students who designed and ran the tech were the last from his classes (they were freshman when he graduated). In a way, since Patrick may focus his theatre energies elsewhere next year and since the tech students are the last of their bunch, it was a show about closure...
I was just about to join our theatre freaks and for a post-show discussion at Applebees when I realized that Abe was bound to fall asleep in his Dreamsicle cake, if he could stay awake until it arrived. (After we left, he fell asleep before we hit Nisswa.)
I wish I could've stayed and heard what you thought -- I'll save my opionions until I hear from you -- what worked, what didn't? I've got some definite thoughts on the pit orchestra, Jesus, Judas, Mary Mag, and some of the design choices (I will admit when the ladies came out in feather boas, Matt wasn't the only one laughing!). I'll also come right out and say that I thought Patrick Spradlin's Pontious Pilate was distant, condescending, and spot on, and made me increasingly uncomfortable, especially during the counting segment. It's also important to keep in mind that this was a very amateur choir, band and crew -- most of you recognized Judas as a waiter from Perkins, for example.
Given the Brainerd Lakes areas strong church community, I'm also wondering what you thought about this show playing at a community college? Was this show choice for the church community's benefit, or to stir it up? (religious folks have both embraced and protested
JC Superstar). Also, how do you see
JC Superstar fitting in with the rest of Spradlin's season this year? Keep in mind that he started the year with
Inherit the Wind...
Many of you said the show wasn't what you expected. So I'm curious: what did you think?